Why aren't my students being awarded SRP?

      Why aren't my students being awarded SRP?

        Article summary

        How can I monitor how much SRP my students are earning?

        The activity history timeline gives you a detailed view of the reading that your students are doing, and the SRP they are earning. There are a number of reasons students will or won't be earning their expected points, which are detailed below.

        Students will earn Sparx Reader Points (SRP) by passing checks

        Therefore if a student is not earning SRP, this is because they are not passing their checks. As a reminder, students will not be awarded SRP for individual questions they have answered correctly but will need to get the majority of the questions correct. (You can find details on how students earn SRP in this article: What are Sparx Reader Points (SRP) and how do they work?.)

        Careful reading will help students pass their checks

        If a student is reading the text carefully, the checks should be easy to pass as they will be based on what they have just read. Therefore, if they are repeatedly failing the checks, it might be that they are rushing through the book and skim reading. We would encourage you to speak to these students and guide them to take their time and ensure they are reading carefully.  You can find more information about how to help students here: Supporting students who are struggling.

        Students earn more SRP by passing on the first attempt

        If a student fails a check, re-reads the section and then passes on the second attempt, they will earn slightly fewer points. 

        Check each student's Accuracy on the Hand-in page

        We'd really encourage you to use the Hand-in page to keep track of your students' accuracy. Accuracy allows you to see how many checks students are passing on the first attempt. If a student has Low or Very low accuracy, this tells you they are not passing many of their checks on the first go giving you a good indication as to why they may not be receiving the maximum number of SRP and that they might need some support. 

        You can find more information about the Accuracy rating in this article: What can I see and do on the Hand-in page?

        Check if the student is a Gold Reader

        There may be a delay in a Gold Reader student receiving some of their SRP while we check their reading logs. However, they will receive enough to complete their current task immediately.

        Once a student has completed their current homework task, any extra SRP that they earn will go into a bank. If we're happy the student is reading carefully, the student will then be awarded their banked points when they complete the book.

        If the student's reading behaviour doesn't seem right, they may not receive all the banked SRP.

        You can find more information about Gold Reader here: What is Gold Reader and how does it work?

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