Using Homework Leaderboards

      Using Homework Leaderboards

        Article summary

        What are Homework Leaderboards?

        • The Homework Leaderboard is a spreadsheet that Sparx generates weekly, allowing you to see how your school is doing compared to other Sparx schools.
        • The leaderboards are sent out every Monday during UK term times to the Sparx Reader Leader, Head of English, Head of School and Senior Leader contact, as per your Sparx Reader site Staff Manager records. 
        • Schools are ranked based on the amount of Sparx Reader homework that was completed on time by students in the previous week.

        If you do not wish to be included on the Sparx Leaderboard, please let us know at

        What information is displayed in the Leaderboards?

        The following information is displayed on the “Last week on-time completion” sheet within the Leaderboard spreadsheet.

        • School - The School name
        • MAT - The name of the MAT the school belongs to if applicable.
        • Rank - The position in the leaderboard, based on the highest homework completion.
        • Number of Students - The number of students that had homework due within the last week.
        • Number of classes -Number of classes imported into Sparx Reader
        • Homework Completion (%) -The percentage of students who fully completed their homework on time, for homework that was due within the last week. This does not include any students who were set to 'Optional only' homework. 
        • Average minutes of reading set (per week) - The average minutes of HW set to students who had homework due within the last week.
        • Students with HW due (%) -The percentageof non-optional only students who had at least one homework assignment due last week.

        Frequently asked questions

        What year groups are included in the leaderboards?

        All of the classes that have been imported into Sparx Reader in each school are included in the Leaderboards. Any classes that exist within the site will be included in the weekly leaderboards, meaning classes that have not been set homework will count as 0% completed for that week.

        How is rank calculated?

        The leaderboard is ranked by schools' completion rates. Students on Optional only will not affect the data in this column.

        Why can't I see all the other Sparx schools in my Trust on the Homework Leaderboard?

        If you know of schools that use Sparx but aren't on the leaderboard, then it's probably the case that they have opted out.

        What is the cut-off time for the homework to be classed as on-time?

        When the School group Reports are generated we only consider the most recent homeworks that have hit the deadline before the leaderboard is sent on a Monday UK time. This means only homework due from the previous Monday until the Sunday before is included, if hand in is before midnight on a Sunday UK time. 

        The cut off time for homework to be considered on-time is your hand-in time on the due date.

        For example, if your school or class has a hand-in day of Thursday and hand-in time of 4pm, then any homework completed before 4pm on that day will be considered on time and will be included in the following Monday’s leaderboard stats.

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