What is Gold Reader and how does it work?

      What is Gold Reader and how does it work?

        Article summary

        Students can unlock a Gold Reader pass by regularly doing extra reading on the platform

        Students who are doing additional reading on top of their compulsory homework will be rewarded for this with gold stars. 

        Once they reach 5 gold stars, students are awarded a Gold Reader pass which lasts for 5 weeks.

        A student needs to read 300 extra SRP in order to earn a star. Therefore, to earn the 5 stars needed for their Gold Reader pass, they need to earn 300 extra SRP each week for 5 weeks.

        The image below shows what this looks like:

        Conscientious students can retain their pass indefinitely if they continue to do additional e-book reading, earning their 5 gold stars during the 5-week pass.

        Gold Reader allows students to read physical books 

        When a student is awarded a Gold Reader pass they can read a physical book of their choice. 

        They choose a book and then add it to their Gold Reader library. 

        To do this they need to follow the steps below: 

        1. Click on Add Book 
        2. Click on Scan the barcode 
        3. Take a photograph of the barcode on the book. This will then autofill the ISBN number.
        4. They will then be asked the following 2 questions. Complete them and click submit. 
          1. What page does the story begin on? 
          2. What page does the story end on? 
        5.  You will then be able to see their book and they can click Continue Reading to read, 

        The video also shows how to add a book to Gold Reader: 

        If you are having trouble adding a book to Gold Reader please see our article: Why can't my student add their book to Gold Reader? 

        Students can complete their weekly reading homework on Gold Reader  

        Students can earn SRP by successfully reading through Gold Reader. To do this they will follow these steps: 

        1. When a student is ready to read they will click Continue Reading. They will be asked: 

        1. What page they are starting on
        2. The last three words on this page  

        See the image below: 

        2. When they click Start reading a timer will start and they can start reading. See the image below: 

        3. When they have finished reading they will click I have read for 15-20 minutes and they will complete a simple reading log. 

        They will be asked the following questions: 

        1. What page are you on now? 
        2. The last three words on this page  
        3. How many minutes they read for 
        It is important that students do not tick the I have finished this book until they have completed the entirety of the book they are reading. Students are still able to click Add this to my reading log without having ticked this box, to record the reading they have done in that session. 

        See the image below: 

        4. They will then be asked to write a question for themselves to answer. When they have done this they will click Submit. 

        5. They will then be informed how many SRP they have earned for that reading session. 

        NB: There may be a delay in a Gold Reader student receiving some of their SRP while we check their reading logs. However, they will receive enough to complete their current task immediately.

        Once a student has completed their current homework task, any extra SRP that they earn will go into a bank. If we're happy the student is reading carefully, the student will then be awarded their banked points when they complete the book.

        If the student's reading behaviour doesn't seem right, they may not receive all the banked SRP.

        How to view if a student has Gold Reader and what they have been reading

        On the Insights page, there will be a gold star next to the student's level if they have access to Gold Reader. This is also shown on the Insights Report as a Y or N, which is downloadable from the Reports Page

        The hand-in page will still show how much SRP a student has earned and what books they have read, even if that is using Gold Reader. It just won't show their accuracy of reading.

        You can click on the books that a student has been reading for their homework, and we will label any books that have been read using Gold Reader

        When viewing the Reading History for a student, we will also label any book they are currently reading via Gold Reader, and there is a log showing their Gold Reader activity.

        Students can receive Gold Reader warnings and Gold Reader can be removed 

        If it seems that a Gold Reader is not reading their book carefully, they will receive a warning.

        You can see this on the Hand-in page as an orange flag next to the student's name. 

        This image shows an example:

        If a student receives multiple warnings, they will lose access to Gold Reader and will have to go back to reading e-books.

        Teachers can manually award and remove an individual student's Gold Reader status 

        You can award or remove a Gold Reader pass by: 

        1. Go to More > Student Manager on the left of the screen
        2. Choose the student's class from the options on the left of the screen
        3. Select a specific student and click on the pencil icon next to their name
        4. Scroll down and find Gold Reader (shown in the image below) 

        Teachers can extend a student's Gold Reader pass 

        You can change the length of time a student has a Gold Reader pass for by: 

        1. Go to More > Student Manager on the left of the screen
        2. Choose the student's class from the options on the left of the screen
        3. Select the specific student and click on the pencil icon next to their name
        4. Scroll down and find Gold Reader and click Set a new expiry date(shown in the image below) 

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