Certificates and Posters

      Certificates and Posters

        Article summary


        Around the World in 50 Books

        This Around the World in 50 Books poster showcases just some of the books in the Sparx Reader Library and where they are set. Why not print this off to display in your school library or an English classroom?

        Books Through Time

        This Books Through Time poster showcases books with stories from the past, the present and the future including many stories about notable historical events. This timeline-based long poster would make a great display on a long wall.



        To reward and motivate students, Sparx provides templates for certificates that can be given to students when they reach SRP milestones, Gold Reader status, or put in outstanding effort.

        Some Sparx schools like to award certificates during assemblies, while others favour sending these as postcards home, so that their parents or carers can see the great work the student is doing.

        Achievement Certificates

        The Outstanding Effort certificate can be awarded for things such as:

        • Oustanding effort
        • Good resilience
        • Most improved 
        • Gaining the most SRP on a given homework

        You can also reward your: 

        Gold Reader Certificates

        The Gold Reader certificate can be awarded to any student who earns Gold Reader Status.

        SRP Certificates

        These certificates can be given to students when they earn SRP milestones. You can view students' SRP totals on the Student Summary page.


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