What resources do you have to help us with our GDPR and Privacy due diligence?

      What resources do you have to help us with our GDPR and Privacy due diligence?

        Article summary

        To aid schools with their due diligence we have prepared several resources to help. We have designed them to cover Sparx Maths, Reader and Science simultaneously so schools can review them once for compliance across our systems.

        Sparx Learning Terms and Conditions

        • Our Sparx Learning Terms and Conditions outline the terms for using Sparx Learning (both for trialling and subscribed schools) and also contain our Data Handling Agreement (DHA) in section C. 
        • The DHA describes the processing of personal information undertaken by Sparx Learning on behalf of the school. This includes things like the data we collect, how we use it or our processing activities, retention schedules etc. The DHA is likely to be of interest to staff who are responsible for data protection for your school (like the Data Protection Officer). 
        • There is an overlap in the information between the Terms and the Privacy Notice to accommodate different audiences. Therefore if you need to complete a DPIA - start with the data handling agreement. 

        Sparx Learning Privacy Notice

        • Our Sparx Learning Privacy Notice is designed for the end user (students, parents and teachers) and explains how we use their personal information.
        • It is designed for people who are using Sparx Learning and explains how we process their personal information. 
        • To help students quickly grasp what’s happening with their personal information.
        • The Privacy Notice is also linked at the bottom of every parent email if you have these enabled. 
        • To aid transparency, the Sparx Learning Privacy Notice can be linked on your school website if you wish.

        Video explaining how we use data for students

        You might also find this short video useful for explaining how we use data to students:

        Support Companies List


        • Information on data security, how it is physically stored and the measures we have to make sure it is safe can be found in our Security Information for Schools document.
        • Sparx has never had a breach notifiable to the ICO across any of its products. We have internal data protection policies and procedures in place that provide instructions to Sparx employees on the standards expected of them when processing personal data and which include a clear process for employees to follow in the event of a personal data breach.

        Sparx can't sign individual data processing agreements

        • Unfortunately, due to the volume of schools we are dealing with, we cannot sign schools' individual data processing agreements.
        • Our Data Handling Agreement is in Section C of our Terms and Conditions. This is the same as a data-sharing agreement or a data-processing agreement. In the introduction of our T&Cs it states that “Use of the Sparx Product by your school constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions”. This means that the T&Cs (including the Data Handling Agreement) will be enforceable like any written contract signed by you and legally binding between us.
        • Multi Academy Trusts may sign an agreement on behalf of participating schools that will contain a link to the T&Cs (incl DHA).

        Questions or further help

        If you have any further questions about how Sparx Learning processes personal information, please contact privacy@sparx.co.uk 

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