What lawful basis does Sparx use to process data?

      What lawful basis does Sparx use to process data?

        Article summary

        In data protection terms, your school is the data controller and Sparx Learning acts as the processor. (See our article Why is Sparx a data processor and not a data controller? for more information.)

        UK GDPR regulations specify a set of lawful basis for us to process data on your behalf and we follow the lawful basis you have chosen. In our experience, most schools follow the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) position that classroom apps used for education come under the lawful basis of a public task, with the school as a public authority acting under the Education Act. 

        However, we of course understand you need to undertake your own assessment and act as you see fit. Particularly considering if this is within the scope of the school’s privacy notice.

        We have found that if the school is an independent school then the basis of legitimate interest is more common. More information on determining lawful basis can be found on the ICO website: Lawful basis for processing

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