Subscribing to Sparx Reader

      Subscribing to Sparx Reader

        Article summary

        If your Sparx Reader subscription is managed by your MAT, you won't need to do anything on your school's site.

        Subscribing in your Sparx site

        You will need to subscribe to Sparx Reader within your Sparx Reader site. You can do this by going to More > School settings (see images below) and submitting an Agreement in Principle (AIP).Sparx subscriptions are for the whole school.

        • Choose the length of your next subscription and click Agree to subscribe
        • When you submit an AIP you are agreeing to subscribe to Sparx Reader for the chosen term and the Finance Contact we have on file for your school will be sent an email asking them to submit a purchase order (PO) to us
        • Once a PO is received, our Accounts Team will send an invoice to the Finance contact within 5 working days
        • Once your AIP has been submitted you can track its progress under More > School settings.

        If your trial is coming to an end you will see a notification at the top of your screen which allows any teacher to submit an AIP. 

        Please note: 
        • When you submit an AIP you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions please make sure you are happy to proceed before saving your request.
        • If your school uses more than one Sparx system you can submit one PO for both, we will invoice these separately due to how our system works, but you can pay for both in one payment.
        • Payment will not be due until 28 days after the start of your subscription

        Paying for your subscription using this academic year's budget

        To use this year's budget to pay for your next subscription:

        • Agree to next year's subscription in your Sparx Reader site before the end of this academic year
        • Once we've received a purchase order from your school's Finance Team, an invoice will usually be sent on the same day
        • You're free to settle this invoice immediately, using this year's budget

        Paying for your subscription using next academic year's budget

        To use next year's budget to pay for your next subscription:

        • It's important that you agree to your subscription in your Sparx Reader site before the end of this academic year. If we haven't received an agreement before the end of the academic year, access to Sparx Reader will be automatically suspended.
        • The invoice for your new subscription will not be due until 28 days after your new subscription starts. For most UK schools, this will be the end of September. This allows you to pay for your subscription using next year's budget.

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