Introducing Sparx Reader to students

      Introducing Sparx Reader to students

        Article summary

        Introduce Sparx Reader during a lesson

        We recommend that you introduce Sparx Reader to students in a lesson, preferably in an ICT suite or a room that has devices. Students will need devices to log in to Sparx Reader and access the Sparx Reading Test.

        Show students how to log in

        Students will log in to Sparx Reader by going to and selecting their school and inputting the same log in details they use for Sparx Maths. You can find videos to show the students how to do this in this article: Getting students logged in

        Answer a couple of questions

        When students log in, they will be asked to complete a couple of short questions about their current reading habits. It's important that the students answer these questions honestly as it helps us to understand where they currently are with their reading and track any improvements they make within Sparx Reader.


        Complete the Sparx Reading Test

        When students first log in, they will be presented with the Sparx Reading Test which they will need to complete to begin to access Sparx Reader. You will need to set this test for them on your teacher account. Find instructions on how to do this in this article: Setting the Sparx Reading Test

        You can explain that this is a 20-30 minute adaptive test that includes a mix of vocabulary and comprehension questions and establishes their reading age and level. It is important that students do this in test conditions, as the test will provide a reading age result as well as inform which books students receive once they begin their homework. 

        The screenshot below showswhat their screen will look like when logging in for the first time:

        This is an example of what the student may see when taking the test:

        Read the training book

        Ask students to read the short training book that they will see as part of their starting steps on Sparx Reader. This will give students an introduction to what reading on the platform looks like. This book can be completed at home if necessary.

        Once the students have completed the initial questions, the Sparx Reading Test and the training book, students will be able to access Sparx Reader and choose their first book:

        Monitor which students have completed their setup

        You are able to keep track of who has completed these steps within the Student Manager page. Here you will be able to see next to each student what stage of the setup process they are in. 

        Explain expectations for homework 

        Explain to students that they will complete weekly reading homework on the platform and can start earning Sparx Reader Points (SRP). You might want to show them the video below which is an example of what reading homework looks like. 

        Log in as a student
        You can also use the Student Demo available on your teacher account to show students what it looks like and to demonstrate how to read carefully.

        We also have this article in slideshow format if you would like to use this to introduce the platform to your students. 

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