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Getting started
12 Articles
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Getting started
12 Articles
in this category
Setting up Single Sign On (SSO)
SSO enables teachers and students to log in to multiple websites using one set of login details. The main benefits of using Single Sign-On (SSO) are: It's simpler to get your students started with Sparx Reader, as they won't need to go through th...
Getting started overview
As the Sparx Reader leader, here are the six steps you need to complete to set up your school's Sparx Reader site: Add Classes and Students Add Staff Train Your Team: Introduce Sparx Reader to your department and ensur...
Adding classes and students to Sparx Reader
1. Choosing classes to add to Reader To add classes, go to More > Import & Manage Clas ses . Your English classes will appear by default, but you can search for others. Tick the classes you want to add, then click the ar...
Adding, editing or removing staff members
Staff accounts can be created for teachers and support staff including Teaching Assistants. All staff have the same administrative rights. Adding staff members 1. Go to More > Staff Manager on the left of the screen 2...
Adding or editing Key Contacts
Key Contacts are people we may need to contact, even if they aren't regular Sparx users. You can manage Key Contacts in the Key Contacts tab on the Staff Manager page. For more details, see: Which key contacts do you as...
Introducing Sparx Reader to your department
1. Use department time for training We recommend scheduling a training session during department time or a staff meeting, ideally with a member of SLT. Once you have introduced them to Sparx Reader, ensure that all teachers to complete their Spa...
Setting the Sparx Reading Test
Students will need to sit the Sparx Reading Test (SRT) to find their initial reading age before they can complete homework. Setting the SRT You can set up a test by following these steps: Go to More > Reading Test Select your c...
Getting students logged in
If your students already use Sparx Maths they will be able to log in simply by: Go to Click Log in on the top right-hand side of the screen Choose your school Log in If Single Sign On is enabled t...
Introducing Sparx Reader to students
Introduce Sparx Reader during a lesson We recommend that you introduce Sparx Reader to students in a lesson, preferably in an ICT suite or a room that has devices. Students will need devices to log in to Sparx Reader and access the Sparx Reading Te...
Changing a staff member's display name
When you add a staff member in the Staff Manager they will be able to log in. In certain places on the site, their name is displayed, for example on the Dashboard: If you would like to change the name that is displayed here, for example, so...
Setting homework
Once students have sat the initial Sparx Reading Test and completed their onboarding, you'll need to start setting their reading homework. You can do this by following the steps below: Go to the Hand-in page Choose your cla...
Changing a staff member's email address
To amend an email address for a teacher: Go to the More menu on the left-hand side of the dashboard Click Staff Manager Edit the relevant teacher using the pencil icon next to their name and input the amended address. Remember ...