Changing a student to half-length / optional only reading

      Changing a student to half-length / optional only reading

        Article summary

        You can permanently change the type of homework that a student receives by following the steps below: 

        1. Go to More > Student Manager on the left of the screen
        2. Choose the student's class from the options on the left of the screen
        3. Edit a specific student by clicking the pencil icon next to their name
        4. Under Sparx Reader Details, select Homework length as half-length or optional only
        5. Click Save on the bottom right

        Half-length homework means that their SRP target will be half as much as the rest of the class. For example, if you set a class a reading homework target of 300SRP, a student on half-length will receive a target of 150SRP.

        Optional only homework means the student will retain access to Sparx Reader and all their books, but there is no expectation for them to complete the work. Their homework data will be excluded from the weekly leaderboard compulsory completion data.

        Currently you can only change individual students to Optional only. If you would like to put a whole group to Optional only, you can set or edit the homework plan's target to 0 SRP. You can then copy the homework plan across to all the classes you need to be optional only. You can find information about copying a homework plan here: How I copy a homework plan?

        Please note this change will affect all future reading homework until you change their Homework length back to compulsory.

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