Can I edit a homework plan or individual homework once created?

      Can I edit a homework plan or individual homework once created?

        Article summary

        Editing a homework plan

        If you would like to make changes to a homework plan for a class, you can edit the plan on the Hand-in page.

        Editing a homework plan will replace every homework in the plan that has not yet been started. You will also lose any edits you have made to individual, upcoming homeworks. 

        To edit a homework plan: 

        1. Click Edit homework at the right-hand side of the page, then click Edit homework plan

        2. Make your desired changes to the homework plan. 

        3. Check the plan to ensure homework weeks match what you expect.

        4. Click Save on the bottom right. 

        Editing an individual homework

        If you would like to make changes to an individual homework for a class (for example to extend the hand in date to fall after a holiday), you can edit the homework on the hand in page.

        To edit a homework:

        1. Click Edit homework at the right-hand side of the page, then click Edit homework with the week number.

        2. Click something to edit, for example the Homework due date. Choose a new date.

        3. Click on submit for the change to take effect for the homework.

        Ending a homework plan early

        If you would like a homework plan to end early, you are able to do this on the Hand-in page under Edit homework

        1. Go to the week you would like the homework to end from. Click Edit homework.

        2. Click End homework plan from here.

         3. You will then be warned of what homework plans will be affected by this change. Click End plan to confirm changes. 

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