Adding classes and students to Sparx Reader

      Adding classes and students to Sparx Reader

        Article summary

        1. Choosing classes to add to Reader

        To choose classes to import, go to the More menu and click Import & Manage Classes. We will show your English classes by default, and you can easily search to find any other classes. Tick the classes that you’d like to use Sparx Reader, and then click the arrow in the middle to move them over to the right-hand side.


        2. Resolving conflicts

        Students can only belong to one class in Sparx Reader. If you try to import multiple classes and a single student belongs to more than one of those classes, you’ll need to select which class you want them to belong to in Sparx Reader. 

        3. Preview and sync

        Once you’ve added all your classes, click Preview & sync changes in the bottom right corner. This then shows you a preview of the classes to be added and removed, and the student changes. Once you’ve checked that all is as you expect, click Sync changes in the bottom right.

        4. Updates and changes

        Once you have imported your classes, the MIS integration will automatically control the following:

        • Class name
        • Year group
        • Student membership

        If you want to change any of these then you will need to do this in your MIS, and these changes will be reflected in Sparx Reader the following day. 

        5. Manual Sync

        Most changes made to classes and students in your school’s MIS will automatically be synced with Sparx Maths overnight, every night. For example:

        • If a student has been added to a class

        • If a student has moved classes

        • If a student’s name has changed

        If you need a change made in your school’s MIS to reflect in Sparx more quickly, you can perform a sync without making any changes to your class selections. Simply go to the More > Import and Manage Classes screen and click the Preview Changes button straight away. Any changes will appear on the Preview Changes page for you to review before deciding to sync. If you are happy with the Preview, then click Sync Changes.

        Please note it could still take up to four hours for the changes to reflect in Sparx Reader if you use this manual sync option.

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